
I’m Sandi. That’s me in the middle, though you may be surprised to learn that this wasn’t written by a child. My kids and I, we sit on hay.

I like to cook. I love to eat. I cook to eat.  I belong to a CSA, so I mostly cook using local and seasonal produce. The recipes shown here are all food I make for my family. My goal is to share delicious recipes that are simple to make, so that you can get to the eating part sooner.

This is where I live:

The Beach

I don’t actually live in the ocean, but I do live near it, which I think is better, and which always surprises me still.

Wanna tell me something? Have a suggestion for my hair? Send me a note!  I’d love to hear from you.  Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it.


Oh, and just a little note about images. If you want to use my images, I’d really appreciate a credit and a link back to this site. If you’re not sure, just ask. Thanks!

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