Ode to Botkier

To the right is a Botkier Stevie Hobo. It is on my current To Stalk list, but I want it in persimmon instead of black. Isn’t it lovely? Don’t I need it? Wouldn’t my collection be almost complete with a Sasha convertible duffel as well?
Before you judge me, let me throw one of my friends under the bus first. This friend, who shall remain unnamed, was so struck by the beauty of the Botkier that she composed this poem (cue lute music in the background):
I love Botkier handbags you see
If you could feel and see them, you’d agree with me
They are beyond description
Sometimes I think I need a prescription – to get over my addition
I am like a jaguar, prowling the night…
on eBay and other sites, willing even to fight
Today I stalked the FedEx tracking
first twice, then five times, now my mind is cracking
For you see, a new Botkier arrives – hooray!
it left the local facility at 4:40 AM today
Now it is 9:30 AM, i am tempted to drive around to look for the FedEx Man
What if he’s lost, can’t find my house, drunk at the wheel…or in the Can?
Somebody please help me!
A work of beauty if I must say so myself. My husband says that when he sees me he can hear my thoughts very loudly: “Botkier…Botkier…Botkier…”
My friend Patricia just bought her first Botkier today – an Emily tote (cute!). Now she’s watching a Nomad satchel and a Sasha duffel. See, they’re like Pringles…you can’t have just one.

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