Haircare shortcuts and social networking

I work. I’m married. I have two kids. I’ve spent years mocking blogs (I mean, who has the time? Um, I guess I do.). So, this is what I’m going to do now after taking care of the kids, putting them to bed, taking a shower, cleaning up, and sometimes doing a bit of work. I can’t promise exceptional prose. I can’t promise revolutionary ideas. I can’t even promise that I’ll be in a good mood. But I think I’ll start off with a simple format: a Tip, a Rip, and a Clip. Tip being something I think might be helpful to you, if you’re at all like me (meaning, you work, have kids, are married, or are inherently lazy). Rip being something I don’t understand (or just think is dumb). And a Clip is just a word I had to stick in there to rhyme with the other two — but will likely be a product review that you can clip away for storage, just like a coupon (ok, it’s a stretch, but work with me here. It’s my first post.). I will also include random rants that I might have. Sometimes I might not include all categories. Sometimes I might overshare. Luckily, you don’t know me.

I never thought I’d end up this way, but here it is: I have two preschoolers, and I have to drop them off at school in the morning, so I have to shower at night after they go to bed (there are several logical mental leaps in between, but trust me, I can’t shower in the morning). Sometimes, at the end of the day, I’m just tired. So tired that I just really want to go to bed. I weaned myself after my first kid was born from daily hair-washing, so I’m on an every-other-day rotation. If you have hair you’ll understand that the implication of washing is drying, which for whatever reason I have come to view as a cumbersome task. In the face of need comes innovation, so I’ve come up with a few ways to work around hair washing on those days when you really just can’t face it:

  • Baby powder. Remember the 19th century? Powdered hair was in for a reason. It not only soaks up the grease pretty well, but it covers what I call “hair b.o.” as well. There’s nothing I like less than smelling of hair (or more specifically, scalp). Just rub a bit of the powder into your hair at the hairline (and anywhere you think it’s particularly greasy), and presto! Almost clean hair. I have on occassion over-powdered and found myself choking on the powder all night. I wouldn’t advise this, since I’m pretty sure that inhaling a bunch of talc is a very bad idea.
  • Dry shampoos. These are basically baby powder in a spray can, but the benefit of these is that they’re generally propelled by some type of carrier substance (like isobutane — again, don’t inhale too much) that feels really good on your scalp if your hair is dirty. Spray only at the roots, and after a few minutes, brush out. I’ve tried two brands: Klorane and Algemarina. I prefer the Algemarina (the Klorane has a smell that I can best describe as “old person”), since it has a nice fragrance, but the can I got from Amazon was defective. I’ve heard it’s better to buy it in a store.

Facebook. At the risk of sounding like a luddite, I just don’t get it. I have an account just because I’ve been invited (by some clearly earlier-adopting people than me). I’ll grant that it’s good for stalking, which is of course an honorable pastime (I was just notified in my “news-feed” that my husband added “bad spackling” and “magma” to his interests). But what’s up with the “wall”? Isn’t it just a really inefficient way to send email? In my experience, a friend will write something on my “wall”. I then get an email telling me that my friend posted to my “wall”, at which point I have to log back onto Facebook to see what it is that was posted on my “wall,” so I can post to my friend’s “wall”, at which point she will also get an email notification that I posted on her “wall”. As a stalker tool, I find the “wall” insufficient since the postings make no sense to an outsider — which is what you would be as a stalker. And the other thing — why would I want people to know so much about me? Better to be the stalker than the stalkee.

I do like LinkedIn though. It’s a pretty good stalker tool for being professional in purpose. I’ve gotten invitations to be a connection on LinkedIn from people that I don’t know that well at work. Like they’re in IT, and I haven’t ever spoken to them. When I see them in the bathroom I give them a knowing look, like I know that you know that we’re connected on LinkedIn but I’m pretty sure that they just find me creepy.

But in addition to being a stalker tool, LinkedIn is great if you’re looking for a job, or looking to hire. It’s just interesting to see who’s in your network. And what those people have grown up into.

So there you have it. Come back and visit for more posting on all the newfangled things this world has to offer. Thanks for reading.

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